Abel Tasman Coast Track

After Evan, Heather, and I had finished our first Great Walk, Graeme Wilson collected us in Totaranui and drove us to the farm that he and his wife Dallas own in Puramahoi in Golden Bay. Graeme and Mike Prebble first met when they worked together in Antarctica in 1960-61 on an historic huts restoration project, while Mike had been the leader – the Officer-in-Charge (or OiC) – at Scott Base during the 1979-80 summer research season that I spent working in Antarctica as the Information Officer / Photographer for the Antarctic Division of New Zealand’s Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR). Antarctic friendships thus led to the first opportunity Evan, Heather, and I ever had to see an archetypal New Zealand dairy farm in action: this is a photograph that I took of Graeme milking one of the farm’s 160 or so cows.