Curriculum vitae

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My professional life has been particularly stable in that I have taught political science for a period of more than 40 years in just two universities. I was employed first by the University of Canterbury (in Christchurch, New Zealand) for just over eleven years (i.e., from 1 January 1970 until 31 January 1980), and ever since 1 February 1981 I've taught at the Victoria University of Wellington. Being a political scientist has been an exceptionally interesting and rewarding career (however, in view of New Zealand's academic pay scales, in contrast to salaries paid in the private sector, I wouldn't say that being a political scientist has been a richly rewarding career!).

My curriculum vitae – a full version of which can be accessed via links on this page – contains details of

  • the academic appointments that I have held;
  • the awards and prizes that I have won;
  • the courses that I am currently teaching and have recently taught; and
  • the articles, books, and chapters in books that I have had published.
If, after accessing my cv, you would like further information or if you have any questions about any aspect of the teaching and research I have undertaken during my career, please don't hesitate to contact me at the following email address: (as I explained on my Homepage, I have used the figure 88 instead of the @ symbol in an attempt to avoid spam-inducing "crawlers" detecting and using my email address). Thank you very much.

This page of my website also contains a link to a section about legislatures and parliaments. In January 2007 I visited the capitol buildings in three US states and saw the states' legislatures in action. Doing so caused me to pause and reflect on what I had seen. In the course of my work as a political scientist and during my travels, I have thus far visited a total of 16 state legislatures (almost a quarter of the state houses) in the United States of America, five state parliaments in Australia, and two provincial legislatures in Canada, as well as national legislatures and parliaments in more than 25 countries. As a result, I have put pen to paper (or, to be more pedantic but accurate, my index fingers onto my laptop keyboard) and written down some of my reflections on the significance of legislatures and parliaments. Combined with the photographs and the other snippets of information that are linked to my brief essay on legislatures, this section may well prove to be of especial relevance to comparative politics students. I do hope it will be.


Pages in the Curriculum vitae section of my website were last updated on 22 January 2010.