New Zealand prime ministers

Jacinda Ardern
2017 to 2023

Bill English
2016 to 2017

John Key
John Key
2008 to 2016

Helen Clark
Helen Clark
1999 to 2008

Jenny Shipley
Jenny Shipley
1997 to 1999

Jim Bolger
Jim Bolger
1990 to 1997

Geoffrey Palmer
Geoffrey Palmer
1989 to 1990

David Lange
David Lange
1984 to 1989

Robert Muldoon
Robert Muldoon
1975 to 1984

Bill Rowling
Bill Rowling
1974 to 1975

Norman Kirk
Norman Kirk
1972 to 1974

Keith Holyoake
Keith Holyoake
1957; 1960 to 1972

Walter Nash
Walter Nash
1957 to 1960

Sid Holland
Sid Holland
1949 to 1957

Peter Fraser
Peter Fraser
1940 to 1949

George Forbes
George Forbes
1930 to 1935

Gordon Coates
Gordon Coates
1925 to 1928

William Massey
William Massey
1912 to 1925

Joseph Ward
Joseph Ward
1906 to 1912; 1928 to 1930

Richard Seddon
Richard Seddon
1893 to 1906

John Ballance
John Ballance
1891 to 1893