This is another photo of Mark. I forgot to turn on the fill-in flash on my camera to negate the effects of the bright sunlight, but I’ve included this photo in this web-album as well because it clearly shows two mosquitos whining around (mosquitos don’t buzz around!) on the on the left-hand side of the picture. As Charlie and Diane Winger note in their book, Highpoint Adventures, “Bring along industrial strength mosquito repellent. The mosquitos in this area are really bad ...”
I’d been the oldest person in my 11-member climbing party on Denali / Mt McKinley, so I told Heather I assumed I’d probably be the oldest person on Gannett Peak as well. As a result, I am now going to include photographs of the four client climbers on our Gannett Peak expedition in descending order … from the oldest to the youngest. |