Sunday, 27 October 1991 – From Thyangboche to Namche Bazar: The Tengboche Gompa Lodge’s dormitory-style accommodation. Coincidentally, Dr Lynley Cook – the New Zealand doctor whom we’d met when we visited the hospital in Kunde on 14 October – also stayed overnight in the lodge, so I took advantage of the opportunity to ask her about the severe chest pains I was experiencing when I coughed or laughed. Using a stethoscope, she listened to me breathing, and told me that as a result of the time I had spent breathing very cold air at (comparatively) high altitude, I had cracked a couple of ribs. She also told me, of course, that nothing could be done to assist me … other than to avoid coughing and laughing. Knowing it wasn’t anything worse, though, was comforting. |