Rhodesia, July 1960

“A day of struggles” is how I described Tuesday, 5 July 1960, in my hitch-hiking diary: it included seven short rides with, at one stage, a wait of more than four hours. Our final ride for the day was only 12 miles long, but it was with a railway foreman and his wife, Mr and Mrs Bannerman, who took us to their home in Pemba. They not only put us up for the night, but they also suggested that we should try to hitch a ride on a train, which is what Richard and I did the following morning. It turned out to be a short ride on a slow train. This goods train took us only about 22 miles, from Pemba to the outskirts of Monze, where it stopped – and stayed stopped for a long time. As result, Richard and I got off the train, walked over to the main road, and resumed hitching rides in cars and trucks. |