Rhodesia, July 1960

In the late afternoon, Phil Murray dropped Richard and me in Umtali, and we stayed overnight with my father’s former anaesthetics practice partner, Gerry Hochschild, and his wife Nan. I had run out of film and couldn’t afford to buy a new Kodachrome cassette, but Gerry kindly gave Richard and me a pound (the equivalent of 21 pounds sterling in 2017!), and on Wednesday morning, 13 July 1960, he drove us into Umtali where I bought a roll of black-and-white film, and – as a result – the final four photographs in this web-album are digitised versions of some of my black-and-white pictures. Gerry then dropped us on the road that heads south out of Umtali, and Richard and I started hitchhiking again. I noted in my diary that I had bought the black-and-white film “mainly for …