EDUCATION – Houghton Primary School: During the first two years that we lived in Johannesburg, I went to Houghton Primary School. I was in what were called Grades 1 and 2. At the time I was unaware the school was so new – it had only opened three years before I went there. I have two clear memories of Houghton School. The first is that my teacher was a young woman called Miss Scherr. Even at the tender age of five, I thought she was somewhat uptight, especially when she lectured the class on the importance of covering public toilet seats with paper before you sat on them. My second memory is of the time I was chosen to walk up and down the school grounds ringing a large brass bell to let all the classes know it was time for their morning break. I rang the bell so timidly that one class didn’t hear it at all, and the pupils in it missed their playtime, which made me very unpopular with them. |